Basic Rules of Curling

Curling stones and broom
Curling stones and broom. Credit: Photo by SHVETS production:

Introduction to the Basic Rules of Curling

Curling is a popular and exciting sport that is played by two teams of four players each on a sheet of ice. The objective of the game is for each team to slide stones across the ice towards a target, called the house, and accumulate the most points. The game is played with a set of stones, brooms, and sliders, and is governed by a set of rules and regulations.

To begin a game of curling, the teams take turns throwing stones down the ice towards the house. The teams then alternate turns, attempting to get their stones closer to the house than their opponents’ stones. Points are awarded based on the stones that are closest to the house at the end of each end, which is the completion of each team’s eight stones. The team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

To ensure fair play, the rules of curling dictate that the players must follow strict guidelines. For example, during a player’s turn, they are not allowed to touch the stones with their hands or any other object. The players must also remain behind the hog line and the tee line, with the exception of the skip who will stand at the far end of the ice. The players must be careful not to cause any obstructions when throwing the stones.

Equipment Used in Curling


The stones used in curling are typically made of a type of granite stone called Ailsa Craig. They can weigh between 38 and 44 pounds and are polished to a smooth finish. The stones are fitted with a handle that allows the players to hold the stone while throwing it down the ice. Additionally, each stone has a unique pattern of rings on its surface that helps the players to distinguish between their stones and their opponents’ stones.

The stones are typically thrown from one end of the ice to the other, with the objective being to get one’s stone closest to the house. The stones must be thrown with a certain amount of accuracy and finesse in order to be successful. The players must pay attention to the ice as certain conditions may cause the stones to curl or deviate from their intended path.


Brooms are an essential piece of equipment in curling. The brooms are used to sweep the ice in front of the stone in order to reduce friction and help the stone to travel further. The players must use the brooms to sweep the ice in a smooth, consistent motion in order to achieve the desired effect. Players must take into account the speed of the stone, the condition of the ice, and the pressure being applied when sweeping.

Brooms can be made of a variety of materials such as synthetic fibers, natural fibers, and rubber. Different materials provide different levels of friction, which can affect the performance of the stone. The players must pay attention to the condition of the ice and the type of brooms they are using in order to ensure that the stones travel in the intended direction.


Sliders are an optional piece of equipment used in curling. The sliders are typically plastic or metal plates that are worn on the players’ feet during their turn. They help to reduce friction between the ice and the players’ shoes, allowing them to slide further and throw the stones with greater accuracy. The sliders can be used to help the players control the speed of the stone and the amount of spin they apply when throwing the stone.

Sliders are a useful tool for experienced curlers who have mastered the basics of the game. However, inexperienced players should not rely too heavily on the sliders as they can cause the stones to deviate from their intended path. Sliders must be used with caution in order to avoid any slips or falls, which can be dangerous on the ice.

Curling – Rules of the Game

Team Rules

A typical curling game consists of two teams of four players, known as Lead, Second, Third, and Skip. The Lead is the first to throw a stone, followed by the Second, Third, and Skip. The Skip is the team captain and is responsible for making the final decisions on strategy and stone placement. All four players take turns throwing stones, alternating between teams with every throw. The Lead and Second also sweep the ice to help guide the stone to its desired location. Teammates must communicate with each other to make sure they are all on the same page with their strategy.


The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. Points are awarded based on the stones that are closest to the center of the target, known as the “house”. The team with the stone closest to the center of the house earns one point for each stone that is closer than the opponent’s closest stone. If both teams have a stone in the house, no points are awarded. At the end of the game, the team with the highest score is the winner.

Throwing the Stone

Throwing the stone is the most important part of the game. Players must use good technique and aim to get the stone as close to the center of the house as possible. The stone must be released before it reaches the “hog line” and must travel at least 10 meters before it comes to a stop. If the stone does not reach the hog line, the team must take a point deduction. If the stone is thrown too hard, it may travel past the house and out of play.


Sweeping is an important part of the game and can make the difference between winning and losing. Players use brooms to sweep the ice in the path of the stone to make it travel farther and straighter. Sweeping can also help reduce the amount of curling on the ice, which can cause the stone to deviate from its intended path. Sweeping can also help with the speed and accuracy of the stone, as well as reduce the amount of friction between the stone and the ice.

Strategies of Curling

Strategy for Offense

Offensive strategies in curling focus on getting the stone as close to the house as possible. To do this, teams must use a combination of accurate throwing, sweeping, and strategy. Teams should always consider the position of the other team’s stones when planning their strategy. For example, if the other team has a stone in the house, teams should try to get their stones closer to the center of the house to score points. Teams should also consider different angles and paths to take the stone in order to maximize their chances of success.

Strategy for Defense

Defensive strategies in curling focus on preventing the other team from scoring points. To do this, teams must use a combination of accurate throwing, sweeping, and strategy. Teams should consider the position of the other team’s stones and try to prevent them from getting closer to the house. Teams should also consider different angles and paths to take the stone in order to maximize their chances of success. They should try to place stones in front of the other team’s stones in order to block their path and make it more difficult for them to score points.


Curling is a unique and exciting sport that not only tests a player’s physical strength and skill, but also their strategy and mental acumen. With its long history, curling has evolved and developed its own set of rules that make the game both challenging and fair. At its most basic level, the objective of curling is to slide stones, or rocks, down a sheet of ice and direct them towards a target area. The team with the most stones closest to the center of the target area is declared the winner.

The rules of curling govern how and when the stones can be thrown, swept and scored. The four main rules include the hack rule, the hogline rule, the free guard zone rule, and the eight-end game rule. The hack rule requires players to start their throw from the hack and the hogline rule requires the stone to reach the hogline before it can be scored. The free guard zone rule limits where stones can be thrown and the eight-end game rule determines the length of the match.

Overall, curling is a fun and exciting sport that tests players’ physical, mental and strategic skills. It is a game of strategy and accuracy, and the rules of curling help to ensure a fair and even playing field for all participants. With its long and rich history, curling is a sport that has stood the test of time and continues to bring joy to millions of people around the world.