
Master Wu Lian-Zhi, in the typical stance of BajiQuan style.
Master Wu Lian-Zhi, in the typical stance of Baji Quan style. Credit: By MrHeiHu – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Definition of Bajiquan

Bajiquan, also known as “Eight Extremes Fist”, is a Chinese martial art that originated in Hebei Province during the late Qing Dynasty. It is a close-range combat style that emphasizes explosive, powerful movements and quick reflexes. Bajiquan is known for its use of elbow strikes, knee strikes, and other close-range techniques, as well as its unique footwork and body positioning.

At its core, Bajiquan is a practical and efficient fighting style that is designed to quickly and decisively neutralize an opponent. Its techniques are based on the principles of simplicity, directness, and economy of motion. Practitioners are trained to strike with maximum force and precision, using their entire body to generate power and momentum.

Brief history of Bajiquan

Bajiquan has a long and rich history that dates back over 400 years. It is believed to have been developed by Wu Zhong, a martial artist who lived in Hebei Province during the Ming Dynasty. Wu Zhong was known for his exceptional skill in hand-to-hand combat, and he developed Bajiquan as a way to teach others his techniques.

Over time, it has evolved and spread throughout China, becoming one of the most popular martial arts styles in the country. It was particularly popular among military personnel and law enforcement officers, who appreciated its practical and effective techniques. Today, Bajiquan is practiced by martial artists all over the world, and it continues to evolve and adapt to new challenges and situations.

Bajiquan Techniques

Unique features

Bajiquan is known for its unique features and characteristics, which set it apart from other martial arts styles. One of the most notable features of Bajiquan is its use of explosive, powerful movements. Practitioners are trained to strike with maximum force and speed, using their entire body to generate power and momentum.

Another unique feature of Bajiquan is its use of elbow strikes, which are delivered with lightning-fast speed and precision. Bajiquan practitioners are also trained to use their knees and other close-range techniques to devastating effect, making them highly effective in close-quarters combat.

Bajiquan is also known for its unique footwork and body positioning, which allow practitioners to quickly and efficiently move around their opponent and strike from unexpected angles. This footwork is designed to be both agile and stable, allowing practitioners to maintain their balance and control even in the midst of intense combat.

Basic techniques of Bajiquan

The basic techniques of Bajiquan are designed to be simple, direct, and effective. One of the most important techniques in Bajiquan is the “paoquan”, or “cannon fist”, which is a powerful strike delivered with the entire body. Other basic techniques include the “chuanquan”, or “punching fist”, and the “zuanquan”, or “drilling fist”, which are designed to penetrate an opponent’s defenses and deliver a decisive blow.

Bajiquan also includes a variety of kicks, including the “tengkong feijiao”, or “soaring kick”, and the “tiexing feijiao”, or “iron wedge kick”. These kicks are designed to be fast and powerful, allowing practitioners to quickly disable their opponents and gain the upper hand in combat.

Advanced techniques

As practitioners of Bajiquan advance in their training, they learn a variety of advanced techniques that allow them to further refine their skills and abilities. One of the most important advanced techniques in Bajiquan is the “”santi””, or “”three bodies””, which involves moving the body in a way that creates three distinct centers of gravity. This technique allows practitioners to quickly and efficiently move around their opponent and strike from unexpected angles.

Other advanced techniques in Bajiquan include the “qixing”, or “seven star””, which involves striking with the hand in a way that creates multiple points of contact, and the “liuhe”, or “six harmonies”, which involves combining the movements of the hands, feet, and body in a seamless and fluid manner. These advanced techniques require years of dedicated training and practice, but they allow practitioners of Bajiquan to become truly formidable fighters.

Bajiquan Training

Training methods

Bajiquan is a martial art that originated in China and is known for its explosive power and fast movements. To become proficient in Bajiquan, it is necessary to undergo rigorous training. The training methods are designed to build strength, speed, flexibility, and endurance. The training includes various exercises and drills that are aimed at improving the practitioner’s physical and mental abilities.

One of the primary training methods for Bajiquan is repetition of movements. Students are required to perform the same movements repeatedly until they can execute them with precision and speed. The training also includes partner drills, where students practice techniques with a partner. This helps to improve their timing, reflexes, and accuracy.

Another training method is the use of equipment such as wooden dummies, sandbags, and weights. These tools are used to develop power, speed, and endurance. The wooden dummy is particularly important in training as it helps to develop the practitioner’s striking ability and accuracy.

Importance of physical fitness in Bajiquan

Physical fitness is an essential component of Bajiquan training. The martial art requires a high level of strength, speed, flexibility, and endurance. Without adequate physical fitness, it is difficult to perform the movements and techniques effectively.

Bajiquan training includes various exercises that are aimed at developing physical fitness. These exercises include cardio, strength training, and flexibility training. Cardio exercises such as running, jumping jacks, and jumping rope are used to improve endurance. Strength training exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats are used to build strength. Flexibility training exercises such as stretching and yoga are used to improve flexibility.

In addition to the physical benefits, physical fitness also has mental benefits. Regular exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost self-confidence. These benefits are particularly important for practitioners as the martial art requires mental focus and discipline.

Mental preparation for training

Mental preparation is an important aspect of Bajiquan training. The martial art requires mental focus, discipline, and determination. To prepare mentally for training, practitioners need to develop a strong mindset and positive attitude.

One way to prepare mentally for Bajiquan training is through visualization. Practitioners can visualize themselves performing the movements and techniques with precision and speed. This helps to build confidence and focus.

Another way to prepare mentally for Bajiquan training is through meditation. Meditation helps to clear the mind and improve concentration. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which can interfere with training.

Practitioners also need to develop a strong work ethic and discipline. Training requires dedication and hard work. Practitioners need to be committed to their training and be willing to put in the time and effort to improve their skills.

Bajiquan in Practice

Application in self-defense

Bajiquan is a highly effective martial art for self-defense. The martial art is known for its explosive power and fast movements, which can be used to incapacitate an opponent quickly. The techniques are designed to be practical and efficient, making them ideal for self-defense situations.

In self-defense situations, practitioners use techniques such as strikes, kicks, throws, and joint locks to subdue their opponents. The martial art emphasizes close-range combat, which is ideal for defending against attackers in confined spaces.

Bajiquan practitioners also learn how to defend against multiple attackers. The martial art teaches practitioners how to use their opponents’ momentum against them, allowing them to take on multiple attackers at once.

Martial arts competitions

Bajiquan is also a popular martial art for competitions. The martial art is known for its fast and explosive movements, which make it exciting to watch. Competitions typically involve forms competitions and sparring competitions.

Forms competitions involve practitioners performing a series of movements and techniques in a choreographed routine. The routines are judged on their precision, speed, and power. Sparring competitions involve practitioners fighting against each other using Bajiquan techniques. The competitions are typically divided by weight class and skill level.

Competitions require a high level of skill and physical fitness. Practitioners need to be able to perform the movements and techniques with precision and speed. They also need to have the endurance to compete for several rounds.

Bajiquan as a form of exercise and stress relief

Bajiquan is not only a martial art but also a form of exercise and stress relief. The martial art requires a high level of physical fitness, making it an effective form of exercise. Bajiquan training also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, making it an ideal form of stress relief.

The physical benefits of training include improved strength, speed, flexibility, and endurance. The martial art is a full-body workout that can help practitioners to achieve their fitness goals.

Bajiquan training also helps to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting mindfulness and relaxation. The martial art requires mental focus and discipline, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. The physical activity also helps to release endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters.

Bajiquan Philosophy

The philosophy

One of the key principles is the concept of “hard and soft”. This principle emphasizes the importance of being flexible in one’s approach to combat, as well as in life in general. Practitioners are taught to be both physically strong and mentally agile, able to quickly and effectively respond to any situation.

Another important aspect of Bajiquan philosophy is the concept of “continuous movement.” This principle emphasizes the importance of maintaining fluidity and momentum in one’s movements, both in combat and in daily life. By embracing this principle, Bajiquan practitioners are able to maintain a sense of flow and balance, even in the face of adversity.

How Bajiquan can benefit personal growth and development

Beyond its practical applications in combat, Bajiquan can also be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. Through dedicated training and practice, Bajiquan practitioners can cultivate a strong sense of discipline, focus, and self-awareness.

One of the key benefits of Bajiquan is that it helps to develop a deep sense of physical and mental strength. By pushing themselves to their limits in training, practitioners are able to develop a greater understanding of their own capabilities and limitations, and to push past them in order to achieve their goals.

In addition to developing physical strength, Bajiquan can also be a powerful tool for cultivating mental agility and resilience. Through the practice of meditation, practitioners can learn to better manage stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Bajiquan as a way of life

For many practitioners, Bajiquan is more than just a martial art – it is a way of life. By embracing the principles of Bajiquan philosophy and incorporating them into their daily lives, practitioners are able to achieve a greater sense of harmony and balance.

One of the key ways in which it can be integrated into daily life is through the practice of mindfulness. By remaining fully present and engaged in each moment, practitioners are able to cultivate a greater sense of awareness and clarity, and to better understand their own thoughts, emotions, and motivations.

Another important aspect of Bajiquan as a way of life is the emphasis on community and social connection. By training and practicing together, practitioners are able to develop strong bonds of friendship and support, and to create a sense of shared purpose and identity.


In conclusion, Bajiquan is a powerful martial art with deep roots in traditional Chinese culture and philosophy. Through dedicated training and practice, Bajiquan practitioners are able to develop a strong sense of physical and mental strength, as well as a deep sense of inner peace and harmony.

Whether practiced as a martial art or as a way of life, Bajiquan has much to offer anyone seeking personal growth and development. By embracing the principles of Bajiquan philosophy and incorporating them into their daily lives, practitioners are able to achieve a greater sense of balance, resilience, and purpose, both on and off the mat.