Tennis Rules of the Game

Old man readying to receive a tennis serve.
Old man readying to receive a tennis serve. Credit: Photo by cottonbro studio:

Introduction to the Rules of Tennis

Tennis is a sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities around the world. It is an exciting game that combines strategy, skill and athleticism. As with any game, the tennis rules of the game must be followed in order to ensure a fair and enjoyable game. This article will provide an overview of the rules of tennis, including scoring, terminology and court dimensions.

Rules for Scoring

Point systems

In tennis, points are awarded for winning a rally. A rally is a series of shots back and forth between opponents. The point system used in tennis is a simple one. If a player wins a rally, they are awarded a point; if a player loses the rally, their opponent is awarded a point. The player must win four points in order to win a game. The first player to win six games wins the set. The first player to win two sets wins the match.


Tennis also has a unique language associated with the sport. The most basic term is “love” which is used to indicate a score of zero. A “deuce” is when the score reaches 40-40, and a “advantage” is when one player has a one point lead. A “game point” is when a player has three points and is one point away from winning the game. Finally, a “match point” is when a player has five points and is one point away from winning the set.

Court Dimensions

Singles vs. Doubles

Tennis can be played as either a singles or doubles match. In singles, two players compete against each other, while in doubles, four players compete against each other. The court size and layout is the same for both singles and doubles, however the size of the court differs slightly depending on the type of match being played.

Court size and surface

The size of a tennis court is 78 feet long and 27 feet wide. The court is divided into two sides, the baseline and the service line. The court is also divided into two halves by a net that is 3 feet 6 inches high. It must also be a flat, even surface and must be painted with lines that are 1 inch wide. The net must also be made of a material that is not too elastic or too soft.



Tennis rackets should be constructed of solid material and must not exceed 29 inches in length. The head of the racket should not exceed 12.5 inches in width and the strings should be spaced no more than 1/8 of an inch apart. The racket head should be round and the handle must be straight.


Tennis balls must be round and must not exceed 2.5 inches in diameter. The balls must be made of rubber, felt or other approved material and must be pressurized. They must be white or yellow, although some tournaments may allow the use of other colors. The balls should be in good condition and should not be excessively worn or damaged.

Dress Code


Players are expected to wear appropriate attire while playing tennis. Shirts and shorts should allow for a wide range of motion and should not restrict movement in any way. Players should not wear any clothing that is excessively tight or revealing. Additionally, players should wear clothing that is clean and free of any visible dirt or stains.


Players should wear appropriate shoes while playing tennis. Shoes should provide adequate support and should have non-marking soles. Players should also make sure that the shoes are in good condition and free of any rips or tears. The umpire can request that players remove any shoes that are excessively dirty or have any foreign substances on them.

Objects on Court


The net is the most important object on the court and is used to separate the two sides of the court. The net should be 3 feet 6 inches high at the posts and should be taut and even throughout its length. It should be made of white or light colored material and should not be modified in any way. Net posts should extend 3 feet into the court on each side.


The posts are the two upright supports that hold the net in place. They should be made of metal or other approved material and should not exceed 4 feet in height. The posts should be placed on the center line of the court and should be the same distance apart as the width of the net. Posts must be placed at the same height and should be firmly planted in the ground.

Lines and Boundaries


The baseline is the outermost line on the court and marks the back edge of the court. The baseline should be made of a durable material such as concrete or asphalt and should be painted in a contrasting color. It should be straight and should extend the full length of the court. It should be no more than 6 inches in width.

Service Lines

The service lines are two lines that run perpendicular to the net and delineate the area in which the player must stand to serve the ball. The service lines should extend the full length of the court and should be no more than 6 inches in width. The lines should be made of a durable material such as concrete or asphalt and should be painted in a contrasting color. The service lines should be placed at the same height as the net.


Who serves first?

The rules of tennis state that the player who serves first is decided randomly. This can be done by a coin toss or spin of a racket. The player who wins the toss has the choice to either serve first or receive first. After the first point is played, the other player serves for the next point. The players shall alternate their service after each point until the end of the game.

Types of service

In tennis, there are two types of service: the first serve and the second serve. The player who is serving must stand behind the baseline and hit the ball over the net and into the service court diagonally opposite them. The serve must be hit with the racquet head and the ball must land in the service court or it will be counted as a fault. Players are allowed two attempts at the first serve and one attempt at the second serve.

If a player commits two faults in a row, it is counted as a double fault and the point is awarded to the other player. The server must also ensure that they are not touching the baseline or any other lines while serving. If the server steps over the baseline or any other line while serving, the point will be awarded to the receiving player.



Once the service has been completed, the players can then start to play the point. In tennis, the players can hit the ball before it touches the ground, this is known as volleying. The players must hit the ball with their racquet before it touches the ground and the ball must land within the court boundaries. If the ball does not land in the court, the point will be awarded to the other player.

Return of service

When the opponent is serving, the receiving player must hit the ball back over the net and into the service court. The player must hit the ball before it touches the ground and the ball must land within the court boundaries. If the ball does not land in the court, the point will be awarded to the server. The receiving player must also ensure that they are not touching the baseline or any other lines while returning the service.

If the receiving player commits two faults in a row, it is counted as a double fault and the point is awarded to the server. The receiving player must also ensure that they do not hit the ball before it crosses the net, otherwise it will be counted as a fault and the point will be awarded to the server.


Role of the umpire

The role of the umpire in tennis is to ensure that the rules of the game are followed and to make sure that the players are playing fair. The umpire must also make sure that the players are not delaying the game and that the correct score is kept at all times. The umpire also has the power to decide whether a point should be replayed or if it should be awarded to one of the players.


The umpire has the power to make decisions regarding the point if the players are not able to agree. The umpire must ensure that the players are following the rules of the game and if they are not, they can award the point to the other player. If a player is found to be deliberately breaking the rules of the game, the umpire can disqualify them from the match.

The umpire can also make decisions when players are not able to agree on whether a ball was in or out. If the umpire believes that the ball was in, they can award the point to the player who hit the ball. If the umpire believes that the ball was out, they can award the point to the other player.


Foot Faults

In tennis, a foot fault occurs when a player’s foot touches the baseline or extends over the baseline while they are serving. Foot faults can result in a penalty, such as a point or a serve being taken away. If a foot fault occurs, the umpire will typically call out “foot fault” and the point will be replayed. When a player is serving, it is important to be aware of their foot placement to avoid a foot fault.

Double Hits

In tennis, a double hit occurs when a player strikes the ball twice consecutively. This is considered a fault, as the player is not allowing their opponent the opportunity to return the ball. If a double hit occurs, the umpire will call out “double hit” and the point will be replayed. It is important to be aware of the ball while playing to avoid double hitting the ball.

Tennis Strategies – Rules of the Game


In tennis, serving is an important part of the game. It is the first shot of each point and can be used to gain an advantage against the opponent. It is important to serve accurately and with power to put the opponent on the defensive. Additionally, it is important to vary the serve depending on the situation. For example, a player may choose to serve with more spin, or serve to a certain part of the court.


Returning serves is an integral part of the game. It is important to be able to return the ball accurately, as this will give the player the opportunity to take control of the point. It is important to be aware of the opponent’s serve and to be ready to return the ball. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the opponent’s positioning and to try to place the ball in an area that will be difficult for them to reach.


Spin is an important part of tennis. It is the rotation of the ball which can cause it to move in unexpected ways. Players can use spin to their advantage by spinning the ball to make it more difficult for their opponent to return it. Players can use topspin, backspin, or side spin on the ball to gain an advantage. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the spin that the opponent is using, as this can help the player anticipate where the ball will go.


Tennis is an exciting game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels. With the right strategy, players can use the game’s rules to their advantage and excel at the sport. From the basics of scoring to the more advanced rules of the game, understanding the rules of tennis can help one develop a competitive edge. Knowing the rules of the game can also help ensure fair play for all players and make for a more enjoyable experience.

Whether you are an experienced player or just an enthusiastic beginner, understanding the rules of tennis is an important part of being successful in the game. With the help of these rules, players can understand how to score points, play the game with fairness and respect, and use the game’s strategy to their advantage. The rules of tennis provide an excellent foundation for any player looking to enjoy the game and play it competitively.

Tennis is a great sport that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age or skill level. With the right knowledge of the rules and the proper strategy, players can excel in the game and gain a competitive edge. Knowing the rules of tennis can help ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. By understanding the rules, players can make sure that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy the sport and play to the best of their ability.